
In addition to his work with the University of the West Indies and the Caribbean Centre for Educational Planning, Dr. Thompson provides a range of services including:

Leadership coaching and mentoring is a customized intervention initiated in response to a request from a professional for either a sustained engagement in developing personal leadership skills or guidance in dealing with workplace situations which call for analysis and well-crafted responses which must take account of labour law, principles of natural justice, human resource management principles, or appropriate leadership behaviours. Of course, both specific skill development and situational interventions may be requested by the same person.

Reimaginative leadership training is an off-the-shelf as well as a party customized training intervention designed to enable leaders at all levels in organizations begin to think differently about what leadership involves and beginning to practice the principles of reimaginative leadership. The training is delivered on an individual organization basis. Prior to the training a Leadership Reimagination Profile Assessment (LEREPA) is conducted

The LEREPA is a sixty-item (60), closed-ended survey instrument which examines the extent to which individual leaders in an organization are perceived to display behaviours that reflect the qualities of a Re-Imaginative Leader. The findings of this assessment are then used to determine developmental interventions.

The instrument is intended to be used with no less than five (5) people participating in
completing it. The instrument is to be administered using the 360 o model.

The instrument provides data which describes the leader’s re-imaginative intents, interests and capabilities at face value while offering some insights that may point to deeper orientations. These analyses help the organization by identifying areas of operations where a leader’s strengths and weaknesses may exist.

Drawing on his experience as an author of seven books, over a dozen journal articles, and hundreds of newspaper columns, Dr. Thompson offers his skills in assisting researchers and aspiring writers improve their productivity, skills, and confidence in writing on issues about which they are passionate and create platforms from which they can become activists for the change they want to see.

Individuals and organizations face stresses and crises, and both often require training to manage them effectively. Access to this service may by individuals or organizations.
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Other services which you need can be discussed.  Contact him today at