The Leadership Reimagination

Education and Development: Policy Imperatives for Jamaica and the Caribbean
Canute S. Thompson examines the nexus between the place and scope of the educational enterprise of a country and a country’s developmental prospects and experience. His central claim is that the sustainable development of a country is a function of the quality of its education system and the levels to which its citizens are educated. He argues that in this calculus, the quality of post-secondary and tertiary education systems is a determinant of a country’s prospects for development.
Reimagining Educational Leadership in the Caribbean
In Reimagining Educational Leadership in the Caribbean, Canute S. Thompson contends that postmodernism ought to be the guiding construct in considering leadership in education and management. Postmodernism…In Reimagining Educational Leadership in the Caribbean, Canute S. Thompson contends that postmodernism ought to be the guiding construct in considering leadership in education and management. Postmodernism challenges convention, embraces otherness and champions the diversification of authority. Educational leadership in a postmodern era must be informed by an approach of radical inclusivity and power sharing. This approach is predicated on the assumption that students are capable of offering meaningful suggestions for improvements in the processes of teaching and delivery of learning and that practitioners possess the knowledge and experience to inform policy.

An exploration of philosophical assumptions that inform educational policy in Jamaica
This study examines the philosophical assumptions that inform educational
policies in Jamaica and the extent to which the philosophical beliefs and positions
of four ministers of education have influenced and impacted their articulation and
implementation of educational policies during their tenure.
Reflections on leadership and governance in Jamaica: towards a better society
This book is a compendium of newspaper columns, which were initially written for general public discourse and published in Jamaica s two main daily newspapers, the Jamaica Observer and the Jamaica Gleaner. These contributions may best be described as reflections and commentaries on issues of public interest. The book focuses on issues of leadership and governance and explores issues of accountability, crime, corruption, decision making, integrity, political maturity and renewal, and transparency. The explorations are undertaken with a view to identifying solutions to some of the problems that Jamaica faces. It is important to note that the book is not intended to be prescriptive but explorative.

Locating the Epicentre of Effective (Educational) Leadership in the 21st Century
This book discusses what the author considers to be the key issues in educational leadership in the 21st century. The basic contention of this work is that it is not technology that will drive learning and problem solving in successfully managed education systems and enterprises in 21st century; neither is it high stakes testing and smaller classrooms. The argument of this book is that it is leadership that will be the single most important variable that determines the quality of educational outcomes in the 21st century.
attempts to challenge and renew our understanding of, and conversation about, leadership in ways that are intended to make the reader ill-at-ease with his or her current conceptions and to venture out into a new sphere of analysis and debate at both the levels of precept (principles) and practice. The construct that this book advances is known as leadership re-imagination. Leadership re-imagination is intended to be a leadership philosophy and operational modality that is distinguished by its invitation to individuals and organizations to embrace restiveness about the status quo and rigorous self-criticism as a mode of existence. It is the proposition of this book that the need for this mode of existence is demanded for a number of considerations, chief of which is the fact that the expectations and contours of leadership practice are being impacted upon by the influences of the age reason as well as the age of information.