Publications and Tweets


Jamaica and the reality of our dictatorship government

In 2018 I codified, via an article published in the Jamaica Observer of March 25, 2018, my strongly held view that Jamaica was on the path towards a dictatorship.  (See link to the full article here). I listed four qualities of dictatorships, namely: Control of law enforcement agencies, particularly...
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Probing proposals of the UWI Chancellor’s Commission Report(first published in the Jamaica Observer)

The 2020 Governance Report on the UWI by the Dennis Byron-led Commission, was unfortunately viewed as an assessment of the stewardship of Sir Hilary Beckles, whose contract was, at the time of the report, up for renewal.  The delay in confirming whether his contract would be renewed, was not only...
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  • Thompson, C. S. (2020). Theories and applications of transformational school

leadership: Lessons from the experiences of two school leaders in Jamaica. Journal of Thought, Vol. 54 (3 & 4), 55 – 72. Available at

  • Thompson, C.S., & Samuels-Lee, L. (2020a). Jamaican teachers’ perspectives on the

desirability of performance-based payment: Lessons for education policy makers and school administrators. Educational Planning Journal, Vol. 27 (2), 63 – 84. Available at

  •  Thompson, C. S., & Samuels-Lee, L. (2020b). Planning employee

empowerment: Lessons from the perspectives of Jamaican teachers. Educational Planning Journal, Vol. 27 (4), 45 – 64. Available at

  • Cook, L., Thompson, C.S., &Weaver, S. Weaver, L. (2020). Mixed Methods

Research: Exploring its complexities and challenges. Caribbean Journal of Mixed Methods, Vol. 1 (01), 167 – 190.

Available at

  • Thompson, C. S. (2019a). School administrators’ and stakeholders’ attitudes toward, and

perspectives on, school-improvement planning. Educational Planning Journal, Vol. 25 (4), 7 – 26. Available at

  • Thompson, C. S. (2019b). Exploring teachers’ perspectives on effective organizational

change strategies. Educational Planning Journal, Vol. 26 (2), 15 – 28.

Available at

  • Thompson, C.S., Burgess, S. & Major, T. (2019). Towards a philosophy of education for

the Caribbean: Exploring African models of integrating theory and praxis. Journal of Thought, Vol. 53 (1 & 2), 53 – 72.

Available at

  • Thompson, C. S. (2018a). Leadership behaviours that nurture organizational trust:

                              Re-Examining the fundamentals.  Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol.                                      21 (1),   28 – 42.

Available at                                                                        organizational-trust-       re-examining-the-fundamentals/

  • Thompson, C.S. (2018b). Planning for improvements in boys’ academic performance: Towards a better understanding of the role of teacher-student relationship.                Educational Planning Journal, Vol. 24 (4), 59 – 76.            

Available at:

  • Thompson, C.S. (2018c). Preparing Caribbean teachers for the 21st century:  Whither the place of ethics.  Journal of Teacher Education and Educational Leadership, Vol. (2), 1 – 17.
  •  Thompson, C.S. (2018d). The construct of ‘respect’ in teacher-student

relationship: Exploring dimensions of ethics of care and sustainable development. Journal of Leadership Education, Vol. 17 (3), 42 – 60. Available at

  •  Thompson, C. S. (2017a). An exploration of faculty involvement in and attitudes toward strategic planning in their institutions. Educational Planning Journal, Vol. 24 (1), 7 – 19. Available at
  • Thompson, C. S. (2017c). Teachers’ expectations of educational leaders’

leadership approach and perspectives on the principalship: Identifying critical leadership paradigms for the 21st century. Journal of Organizational & Educational LeadershipVol. 2 (2). Available at

  •  Thompson, C. S., Burke, T., King, K., & Wong, S. (2017). Leadership strategies

for turning around under-performing schools: Lessons from two Jamaican schools. Journal of Education and Development in the Caribbean, Vol. 16 (2), 42 – 77. Available at

Thompson, C. S. (2017b). Review of Leadership for success: The Jamaican school experience, by Disraeli Hutton and Beverly Johnson. Caribbean Journal of Education 39, (1 & 2), 150 – 153. Available at


Retrieved from











———. (2018, July 29). The academic as social activist: An endangered species? Jamaica Observer. Retrieved from

  • Thompson, C. S. (2020, December 8). The PNP’s challenge. Jamaica Observer.

Retrieved from


  • (2020, November 20). If Golding is to make a mark. Jamaica Observer.

Retrieved from


  • (2020, October 11). Developing our nation: Preserving our democracy.

Jamaica Observer. Retrieved from


  • (2020, October 1). If Lisa and Mark are to inspire. Jamaica Observer.

Retrieved from


  • (2020, September 16). The 2020 General Election and the future of the PNP.

Jamaica Observer. Retrieved from


  • (2020, September 1). Promises versus Performance – Part 2, The Holness

Administration 2016 – 2020. Jamaica Observer. Retrieved from


  • (2020, August 25). Promises versus Performance. Jamaica Observer. Retrieved



  • (2020, August 4). Highly popular…OK then. Jamaica Observer. Retrieved from


  • __________. (2020, March 8). Truth and political bias. Jamaica Gleaner. Retrieved from


  • (2020, January 1). Appraising Chris Tufton’s performance. Jamaica Gleaner.

Retrieved from


























———. (2016, October 9). Processes vs politics in public administration. Jamaica Observer. Retrieved from




———. (2016, October 15). Acknowledging inconvenient truths about crime in Jamaica. Jamaica Observer. Retrieved from














———. (2016, November 12). Coping in a post-fact world: the irony of the ‘information’ age. Jamaica Observer. Retrieved from–the-irony-of-the–information–age_80177


  1. (2020) Expert Panelist: “UNESCO Webinar on Education Response during COVID-19”. May 7.
  2. (2020)       Response to Paper: “A Utility Account of Liberal Education by Jane Gatley”. Philosophy of Education Society. Pittsburgh, Penn. March 6 – 9 
  3. (2019) Paper Presentation: “School Administrators Perceptions of Strategic Planning: Locating Concerns about Efficacy”. Caribbean Centre for Educational Planning Symposium, Jamaica. October 24-25 
  4. (2019) Panel Discussion: “Youth in Motion: Building Young People’s Future in Small Island Developing States”. UNESCO Conference on Advocating for Small Island Developing States. Kingston, Jamaica. September 11. 
  5. (2019) Paper Presentation: “Personal Professional Responsibilities and Values Issues” at UNESCO’s Global Webinar on Developing Leadership: Sustainable Employability, Productivity, and Governance in the New Workforce. April 24. 
  6. (2019)       Panel Presentation: “Re-Imagining the Task of Philosophy: Defending Philosophy of Education as   Praxis”. Philosophy of Education Society. Richmond, Virginia, March 14 – 18. 
  7. (2019) Panel Presentation: “The Vitality of Educational Planning”. Institute for Educational Administration and Leadership, Jamaica. Kingston, March 6 – 7. 
  8. (2017)       Paper Presentation: “Exploring easily forgotten elements of sustainable development in Early Childhood Education”. Early Childhood Development Conference. Montego Bay. Nov. 26 & 27. 
  9. (2017) Paper Presentation: “Planning for Improved Students’ Performance-Epistemology, Pedagogy, and Teacher Preparation: Exploring Experiences of Students in Jamaican School.  International Society for Educational Planning. Toronto. October 11 – 14. 
  10. (2017) Paper Presentation: “Postmodern Epistemology: Exploring Insights for Improving the Pedagogical Experiences of Students in Jamaican Schools”. Schools of Education Biennial Conference. Montego Bay, June 21. 
  11. (2017) Paper Presentation: “Students’ Perspectives on Listening and its Relationship to their Perceptions of Leadership:  Exploring Dimensions of Ethics of Care and Sustainable Development”. Schools of Education Biennial Conference. Montego Bay, June 22.
  12. (2017)       Paper Presentation: “Leadership Strategies for turning around Underperforming Schools: The Experience of two Jamaican Schools. Institute for Educational Administration and Leadership.  Kingston, March 3.  
  13. (2017) Paper Presentation: “Performance-based pay for Jamaican Teachers. Institute for Educational Administration and Leadership – Jamaica. Kingston, March 3 – 4.  
  14. (2016) Paper Presentation: “An Exploration of faculty involvement in and attitudes towards, strategic planning in their institutions”. International Society for Educational Planning. New Orleans, October 18 – 22.
  15. (2015). Paper Presentation: “Locating the Epicentre of Effective Educational Leadership in the 21st Century”. Institute for Educational Administration and Leadership. Montego Bay, Jamaica, August 20 – 21. 
  16. (2015). Paper Presentation: “Fundamental Requirements for Mainstreaming TVET in the Education System: Finding the Path to Consensus and Collaborative Relationships”:  School of Education and UNESCO, Second International Conference on TVET in the Caribbean. Montego Bay, Jamaica, May 13 – 15. 
  1. (2019) Keynote Address: “Leadership Re-Imagination and Governance: Imperatives for the Advancement of a Transformative Education System”. MICO Old Students’ Annual Glen Owen Memorial Lecture. Kingston, Jamaica. April 11. 
  2. (2019) Keynote Address: “Re-Imagining Higher Education in a Borderless World: Confronting Challenges, Overcoming Obstacles, and Owning Opportunities”. Schools of Education Biennial Conference 2019Keynote Presentation. Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago. February 19 – 21. 
  3. (2018) Concurrent Session Presentation: “Reimagining Critical Pedagogy and the Task of Philosophy: Defending Philosophy of Education as Praxis”. Philosophy of Education Society of North America. October 26 – 28.  
  4. (2015). Feature Presentation: “Managing Change in Times of Uncertainty”. Commercial Banking Division, Bank of Nova Scotia, Jamaica. November 13. 
  5. (2014) Feature Presentation: “Learning Challenges facing Leaders in the 21st Century” Human Resource Management Association of Jamaica (HRMAJ 34). November 20. 
  6. (2013). Feature Presentation: “Economies of Scale and Scope: The Formation of Industry Alliances as a Strategy for Export Competitiveness”. Caribbean Export Development Agency, 5th Management Consulting Business Symposium. Port of Spain, Trinidad. September 10 – 12.
  7. (2009). Guest Lecture: “Students’ Perceptions and Expectations of Leadership in a Postmodern Era”. University of Manitoba, Canada. March 16. 
  8. (2009) Guest Lecture: “Challenges Facing Small and Medium Sized Enterprises”. University of Manitoba, Canada. March 17. 
  9. (2009). Guest Lecture: “Strategies for Community Capacity Building”. University of Manitoba, Canada. March 18. 
  1. (2015). Workshop Session: “Towards a New Leadership Culture in the Jamaica Library Service”.  Jamaica Library Service. Kingston, December 3.  
  2. (2015). Workshop Session: “Creating a Culture Governed by Shared Core Values and a Commitment to Excellence”.  Ministry of National Security. May 5.
  3. (2015). Workshop Session: “Strategic Leadership and Management”. The University of the West Indies, Strategic Leadership and Management Workshop Series. March 11. 








OECS School Leadership and Accountability Project

Deputy Lead Consultant


Dominica and St. Lucia

Stewart, M., Thompson, C., Smith, M., Moore, S., & Edwards-Kerr, D. (2019). Educational Leadership and Accountability among Primary School Principals and Educational Leaders in Dominica, St. Lucia, Grenada and St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Castries, St. Lucia: Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS).




Training of School Leaders in the development of School Improvement Plans

Sole Consultant



Training Manual

     Strategic plans (12)


2017 to 2020

Facilitating the development of School Improvement Plans

Lead Consultant



Strategic Plans (4)



Review of Inter-American Development Bank Education Sector Transformation Programme Report




Report on the Facilitation of Stakeholder Review Consultation on IDB ESTP Report



Development of Moneague College’s Strategic Plan


Strategic Plan for 2015 to 2020



Negotiation of grant of £25M from UK Gov to the Government of Jamaica


Report on UK-Jamaica proposed Memorandum of Understanding for the Reform of Jamaica’s Correctional Estate



Merger of the Jamaica Constabulary Force and the Island Special Constabulary Force

Lead Consultant



Report on Process for the Merger of the Island Special Constabulary Force and the Jamaica Constabulary Force


2010 – 2012

Management Reviews of the operations of seven Teachers’ and Community Colleges

(Seven separate reports)

Sole Consultant



Management Reviews of the_____(name institutions) College


(Brown’s Town, Edna Manley, G.C. Foster, Knox, Moneague, Montego Bay, Shortwood)