
Quality Education versus School Brands in Jamaica: Synonymity or Disparity?

Shopping for traditional schools (brand schools) such as Campion College, Westwood High School and the Wolmer’s Schools just to name a few is the norm for Jamaican parents, teachers and students. In years gone by, and possibly, to a lesser extent, passing examinations for a non-traditional high school would be synonymous to a major, even …

Quality Education versus School Brands in Jamaica: Synonymity or Disparity? Read More »

An analysis of the report of Jamaica’s Constitutional Reform Committee: Reform or (Partisan) Realpolitik 

The Government of Jamaica tabled the report of the Constitutional Reform Committee (CRC) and the accompanying Ministry Paper No 1/2024 of the Ministry of Legal and Constitutional Affairs. I asked myself the question, having read the report, “is this reform or just partisan realpolitik?”. Reform suggests that something noble, radical, visionary, audacious, selfless, game-changing is …

An analysis of the report of Jamaica’s Constitutional Reform Committee: Reform or (Partisan) Realpolitik  Read More »

Clear and Contemporary Risks to Jamaica’s Democracy: Costs, Complicity and Cowardism

Jamaica’s democracy faces some clear dangers which remain contemporary. Thought and industry leaders in the society (in academia, civil society groups, the church, and the private sector) who choose to ignore these risks become complicit to whatever costs the country incurs from such risks.  Even in circumstances in which such costs arise from cowardism (fear), …

Clear and Contemporary Risks to Jamaica’s Democracy: Costs, Complicity and Cowardism Read More »

Education Transformation as Social Justice: Evaluating the Government’s Education Transformation Performance

Education Transformation as Social Justice The transformation of Jamaica’s education system is a goal we should all embrace and a journey, which though will be long, is one which we must pursue.  Perhaps the most important reason such a journey should be undertaken is that justice demands it.  Educational transformation is an act of social …

Education Transformation as Social Justice: Evaluating the Government’s Education Transformation Performance Read More »

Is it okay with you? It shouldn’t be!

It is deemed normal for supporters of political parties to support what is done by leaders of their parties, regardless of how problematic and demonstrably unethical or unlawful such conduct may be.  Perhaps nowhere is this more evident than in the United States of America where the twice-impeached ex-President, Donald Trump, now on criminal trial …

Is it okay with you? It shouldn’t be! Read More »

From Dudus to Paula: The questionable use of state resources to advance the interests of individuals

In September 2023, the Government of Jamaica made an unprecedentedly hurried amendment to the Constitution, completing the tabling and passing of the Bill in a single sitting in the Lower House. Within another three days (that same week) the Bill was passed in the Upper House, and two days later it was signed into law …

From Dudus to Paula: The questionable use of state resources to advance the interests of individuals Read More »

Reimagining Jamaica’s Democracy: Republic Status, People Participation, and the Role of Parliament

Recent events in Jamaica have ignited reflection on how our democracy is functioning and what changes we may wish to consider in seeking to strengthen it.  These events include: Is Jamaica’s democracy at risk? Lloyd Smith, a 40-year veteran in the field of journalism, a former Member of Parliament and Deputy Speaker of the House …

Reimagining Jamaica’s Democracy: Republic Status, People Participation, and the Role of Parliament Read More »

What makes a good teacher, great? Graphing Your Greatness

Greatness is defined by doing, impacting and serving exceedingly above the ordinary. This construct must therefore be seen through the lens of a spectrum; identifying the least to the most or rather the ordinary to the extraordinary. In the realm of education, the impact of a teacher is incalculable, transcending textbooks, internet and classrooms to …

What makes a good teacher, great? Graphing Your Greatness Read More »

Madam  Speaker, The Reports, and her Parliament

It is correct that those members of parliament from the People’s National Party (PNP) who were present in Jamaica’s House of Representatives on the occasion of Mrs Juliet Holness’ selection to be the Speaker of the House should have objected to the wife of the Prime Minister (PM) being so elevated. Instead, at the time, …

Madam  Speaker, The Reports, and her Parliament Read More »